Opening MindUp "Ruang Riung Ceria"
We are happy to announce that the MindUP “Ruang Riung Ceria” (RRC) is opened in Rancaecek in the Bandung Regency of Indonesia. This MindUp is opened under the partnership of Tunas Nusa and Heights & Mind Foundation, being part of the proof of concept pilot. The RRC was built with the help of the community, using recycled materials.
Despite the global pandemic, RRC already hosted several events with small groups of women. This week the first Posyandu took place where the weight, the height and the head circumference of children under two years old were measured by Kaders. A Posyandu will be held regularly to monitor if children grow according to the WHO standard growth curves aiming to prevent and detect stunting in the early years of life.
Next to the Posyandu, several cooking workshops were given such as the preparation of mung bean- and banana porridge which are suitable for complementary feeding, making pastries using the mushrooms that are grown at the RRC, and even making soybean- milk and nuggets! RRC also teaches people how to cultivate their food by making use of recycled materials. Besides all the activities, children have the opportunity to learn and play at the RRC.
Posyandu: name for growth monitoring and promotion services in Indonesia
Kader: name for community health workers in Indonesia
Curious to see all the wonderful work and activities RRC is undertaking?
Check out their Facebook and Instagram: